
CASACOR São Paulo donates plastic lids to the NGO Ecopatas

Benefiting from the action, the NGO Ecopatas converts recyclable materials into funds to castrate abandoned animals

By Yeska Coelho

Updated at Feb 2, 2022, 12:45 PM - Submitted at Feb 3, 2022, 3:00 PM

03 min de leitura

(Rafael Renzo/)

CASACOR, sustentabilidade, ONG Ecopatas One of CASACOR 's main pillars is sustainability – and putting this into practice goes far beyond the sustainable projects displayed in the exhibitions. An example of a sustainable action is the collection and donation of plastic caps that took place at the closing of CASACOR São Paulo in 2021 with the aim of giving a new destination to the exhibition's waste.
CASACOR, sustainability, Ecopatas NGO
(Rafael Renzo / CASACOR)
According to Girlene Cavalcanti, Sustainability Analyst at CASACOR, "the bottles with caps collected during the construction and event period of CASACOR 2021 were sent to the waste sorting area – the responsibility of the management company, Ciclo", she explained. Ciclo is responsible for separating the cap, label and body of the bottle .

Ecopaths NGO

CASACOR, sustainability, Ecopatas NGO
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
The NGO Ecopatas benefited from the action. The organization, which collects plastic caps and aluminum seals , sends and sells the materials for recycling and uses the money to neuter abandoned animals and help needy communities. About the business, Girlene explained that "PP plastic (Polypropylene) is a very noble material with a high utilization rate and of great interest to the plastics industry. The bottle caps are sold to manufacturers of brooms and household utensils such as buckets, basins, vases, pet feeders, pan handles, among others."