News, Professionals

Refuge for Contemporary Man celebrates cocktail party at CASACOR Brasília

The party had a cocktail party by Bloco C restaurant and was attended by 4 guests! Check out who was there!

By Redação

Updated at Jul 26, 2018, 1:56 PM - Submitted at Nov 7, 2016, 3:21 PM

01 min de leitura


[galeria-abril id='25413' type='slider'] Last Friday (4) at CASACOR Brasília 2016 was quite busy! The Refúgio do Homem Contemporâneo space, designed by the duo Alex Claver and Wilker Medeiros, from Studio 2 Arquitetura e Interiores, was the stage for a popular event promoted by the company Divino Quadro , which celebrated the success of its first participation in the show. Businesswoman and artist Alva Pinheiro, host of the event, received around 40 guests with a menu from the Bloco C restaurant. Check out the photos of the party in the gallery above! CASACOR BRASILIA SERVICE 2016 When?
Tuesday to Friday, from 3pm to 10pm. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 12pm to 10pm. Where? Commercial building of QI 9 in Lago Sul, lot D. Former Inacor (National Heart Institute). As? Full: R$46 Half: R$23 Online sales: