In the space, visitors will see the industrial and urban country of the south and southeast, which produces furniture, objects, automobiles and fashion aligned with the best of international design.
Updated at May 3, 2017, 6:26 PM - Submitted at Aug 8, 2016, 2:40 PM
Between August 9th and 14th, CASA COR Arte & Design will host the CASA COR 3XDESIGN exhibition, bringing together the best of furniture, lighting, gastronomy, fashion, jewelry, the automotive sector, art and crafts. The event will motivate visitors to value aspects of three regions, with different cultures – Brazil, Italy and Cariri – exploring what in Europe is called the “F”s of a lifestyle and design culture: Furniture, Food food) and Fashion.
The space dedicated to Brazil provides a cross-sectional view of industrial production in the country, through its lens, as a fundamental factor in the materialization of products from different segments. Visitors will see the industrial and urban country of the south and southeast, which produces furniture, objects , automobiles and fashion with added value, aligned with the best of international design.