
MADE: Jorge Elmor and Alberth Diego launch the Dots Lamp

The partnership between the architect and the designer resulted in a functional lampshade with a contemporary aesthetic!

By Alex Alcantara

Updated at Jul 26, 2018, 12:46 PM - Submitted at Aug 10, 2016, 6:46 PM

01 min de leitura


Architect and urban planner Jorge Elmor teamed up with designer Alberth Diego and the duo launched a bold lampshade with a unique design at MADE 2016. It's the Dots Lamp , a versatile piece that came from the idea of reproducing an "electrified rope". CASACOR•DW_JORGE ELMOR ALBERTH DIEGO_(RafaelRenzo)-15 The goal was to create an object that did not require any breaks in the installation and that allowed the light point to be positioned far from the power input. Functionality and a contemporary look were the result of this partnership!