News, Design

Archaeology of natural and artificial life is the theme of La Fabrique du Vivant

"In the digital age, a new interplay is emerging between creation and the fields of life sciences, neuroscience and synthetic biology"

By Alex Alcantara

Updated at Feb 17, 2020, 4:41 PM - Submitted at Feb 21, 2019, 12:25 PM

05 min de leitura

(Divulgação/) Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto, founders of ecoLogicStudio , and their research partners: the Urban Morphogenesis Lab at The Bartlett UCL, the Synthetic Landscape Lab at Innsbruck University and the Wasp Hub at the University of Southern Denmark, are participating in the exhibition La Fabrique du Vivant (the fabric of life, translated), at the Centre Pompidou, in Paris, which takes place between February 20 and April 15, 2019. Looking to the future, Mutations/Creations is the Centre Pompidou's annual creation and innovation laboratory, exploring the links between arts, science, engineering and innovation. It brings together artists, engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs – all interested in the 'sensitive' ' and 'intelligible', which shape and infringe our present. The exhibition is curated by Marie-Ange Brayer with Olivier Zeitoun, who retrace the archaeology of natural and artificial life.
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
"In the digital age, a new interplay is emerging between creation and the fields of life sciences, neuroscience and synthetic biology. The notion of 'living' takes on a new form of artificiality, which permeates the entire Urbansphere – the global apparatus of urbanity contemporary. Here, the miniaturization, distribution and intelligence of artificial urban networks have reached complexity in humans, generating the evolution of synthetic life processes on Earth", explain the curators. In this context, architects Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto have created two “ in-human gardens ”, living sculptures, printed in 3D, receptive to human and non-human life. These works challenge the pillars of rationality with the effects of proximity to intelligence. bio-artificial.
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
Both sculptures were developed in "collaboration" with living organisms, more specifically colonies of photosynthetic cyanobacteria.

HORTUS XL Astaxanthin.g

(Divulgação / CASACOR)
In HORTUS XL Astaxanthin.g , a digital algorithm simulates the growth of a substrate inspired by the morphology of a coral. This is physically created by 3D printing machines, in layers of 400 microns, supported by triangular units of 46 mm and divided into blocks hexagonal cells of 18.5 cm. Photosynthetic cyanobacteria are inoculated in a Biogel medium into individual triangular cells, or bio-pixels, forming the biological intelligence units of the system.
In spring 2019, HORTUS XL Astaxanthin.g will be exhibited at the MAK – Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna.


(Divulgação / CASACOR)
In xenoderm , a spider web morphogenesis is placed on a 3D printed scaffold, through algorithms. The spiders' behavior and silk production are re-programmed, through codes, into the sculpture through the design of the 3D printed substructure and its geometric characteristics. The result seeks a productive ambiguity, revealing the beauty of silk morphologies, an intelligence that resides somewhere at the intersection of the biological, technological and digital realms.
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
La Fabrique du Vivant enters into dialogue with the monographic exhibition by Brazilian artist Erika Verzutti, in Gallery 3. She brings a huge swan to the side window of the Pompidou, which competes for the attention of tourists and visitors with the industrial architecture of the building.
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
Made of plaster and Styrofoam, the bird shares space with other sculptures, smaller in size, but equally inspired by the shapes and volumes of nature, be they animals, fruits or vegetables. The artist's body of work is marked by forms in irreverent associations, with which the artist affirms her choice for indiscipline and her desire to go against the current of neo-modernist and conceptual art.