Fall 2024: decoration trends that are the face of the season
See what's trending in home decor this fall
By Edson
Updated at Apr 4, 2024, 5:00 PM - Submitted at Apr 5, 2024, 9:00 AM
08 min de leitura
(André Nazareth/)
Symbolized by the reddish maple leaf,Theautumn seasonbrings us to the mild climate, cozy clothes, hot coffees and a good walk in the park, including paths covered in trails of foliage in shades of orange and yellow.By embracing the mood ofautumnal decor , all of these simple pleasures of autumn can be brought indoors. Therefore, here are some interior design trends for 2024 that incorporate the season into the home!
Incorporate nature
Sustainable decoration, made from materials that come from nature , is in vogue this year and tends to stand out even more in autumn. Filling environments withplants and foliagemeansbringingvegetalityand connect your decoration to the most symbolic elements of the season.The mostautumnal way to add trees to your home at this time of year is to incorporate nature in a way that interacts with the season's color palette. In other words, by prioritizing darker foliage, dry leaves and branches, you bring the complete look of the season into your home.
In autumn, you can never have too much wood
Prioritizingwoodin decorationIt is a practice already considered timeless. But there is even a scientific explanation for whyautumnis the season that best suits wood.The mild climate, characteristic of the time, favors the drying of the varnish, which facilitates the maintenance of the material.Furthermore, as it is completely present in nature, wood matchestheproposal of resuming the plant life of autumn in interior design. It is a naturalmaterialcapable of creating rustic and cozy environments, in other words, the look of autumn!
Terracotta even more prominent
Thinking aboutautumnal decorinvolves diving into the season's color palette. Terracottais a color that is trending in interior design, and in autumn, the tone will gain even more prominence.This tone not only matches thewarm orangesthat are very present in the season, but also manages to add softness and warmth to environments.As it is one of the mainearthy tones, terracotta goes very well with the aesthetics of autumnal vegetation. Combining this color with plants, foliage and wooden objects is a great way to create a decoration whose items talk to each other.
Bring the autumn glow to your home!
Yellow lighthasbecome one of the main trends in interior design to create an atmosphere of well-being and coziness at home. It is no coincidence that the yellowish tones are very characteristic of autumn luminosity . Therefore, placing yellow light in lamps and lampshades in your home is a decorative resource that creates the most appropriate lighting to evoke an autumnal atmosphere.
Scented candles can add a special touch
Scented candleshavebeen a much sought after resource to bring freshness to the home and energize environments. Several aromatherapy brands have launched autumn collections to make decor even more seasonal.TheAutumn Aromatic Candle, from Aroma Estelar, is an example of how anaromatic decoration designed to match the seasoncan give a very special touch to your environments. Ithas a woody floral aroma and was developed to generate the sensation of walking among the fallen leaves of trees.