Carpentry for small spaces combines practicality and elegance
Investing in custom-made wooden furniture is a great way to create optimized environments. Check it out!
By Yeska Coelho
Updated at Apr 30, 2021, 10:53 AM - Submitted at Apr 30, 2021, 8:47 AM
05 min de leitura
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
Carpentry has been gaining notoriety to compose spaces and make them more functional. It is not new that wood is a smart piece to bring comfort to homes , but, nowadays, investing in carpentry has become something much more common, and used by almost all professionals who work with interior design . This is a job in which it is possible to create objects, furniture and an entire composition of an environment using only carpentry. For this reason, carpentry is very closely allied with planned environments , as it is an efficient way to create practical and customized.
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
Choosing the material that will be used for a carpentry production is an important part of the process. After all, different models dictate the style and feel that the project will add . In addition to the aesthetic finish, it is important to pay attention to the resistance of the raw material . Learn more the main ones:
Wood sheets;
Agglomerate; Formica.
Multifunctional furniture
Multifunctional furniture is not exclusively linked to carpentry, but there is great synergy between the concepts. For small spaces, having this type of solution helps to optimize space .
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
Kitchen with end-to-end countertop. Project: Felipe SoaresA bed that functions as a trunk, a kitchen cabinet with a paper towel roll holder, a desk that also serves as a dressing table... There are many possibilities for incorporating multifunctional furniture to make the simpler routine. Carpentry comes in as an ally to make this idea of multitasking a reality, using product design techniques that guarantee the fusion of different skills that furniture can offer.
Carpentry projects
Investing in carpentry is a great way to create elegant and stylish projects, and we can prove it! Below, check out a selection of environments that used wood to make them more practical, without sacrificing aesthetics:
01/11 - Claudia Alionis. CASACOR Windows Sao Paulo 2020. Sacred Space (Salvador Cordaro)
02/11 - Tatiana Lopes and Tatiana Pessoa Mendes – Guest Room. CASACOR Rio de Janeiro 2021 (André Nazareth)
09/11 - Andrea Chicharo. CASACOR Rio de Janeiro 2014 - Holiday Loft in Lisbon (Divulgação)
10/11 - Project: Très Architecture (Fran Parente)
11/11 - Two large trees that were on the land were integrated into Casa Terra, by Paola Ribeiro. In the background, the garden framed by the glass panels comes to life. (Denilson Machado)