
CASACOR São Paulo Windows: Streaming Room 01 opens technology windows

Designed by Leo Mancenido, the project embraces a futuristic aesthetic to create a room designed for digital interaction

By Ana Carolina Harada

Updated at Nov 27, 2020, 5:20 PM - Submitted at Nov 13, 2020, 12:40 PM

03 min de leitura

(Leka Mendes/)

(Leka Mendes / CASACOR)
In times of social distancing, the way we relate to each other and the world had to be reinvented. Meetings with friends and family now happen right in the palm of our hands, through screens. Leo Mancenido used this scenario to create Streaming Room 01 , for Janelas CASACOR, São Paulo edition .
(Leka Mendes / CASACOR)
The project is inspired by the windows of technology: those that allow us to observe and be observed. If everyone is connected almost all the time, it makes sense to imagine a specific room, designated for this purpose and properly equipped for it.

From inside the ship

(Leka Mendes / CASACOR)
The style of the space follows a futuristic language, with cooler colors and concise lines. Practically devoid of props, the space relies on the asepsis and striking visual of metallic coatings and directional lighting. The result is a composition worthy of a science fiction film. , which the architect himself describes as “a technology ship that allows us to communicate in various spheres”.
The highlight is the two curved armchairs, which make visitors feel like they are in a Star Trek or Star Wars cockpit. In the background, monitors and equipment allow for media viewing, live broadcasts, games and even 3D projections.

CASACOR Windows Service, São Paulo edition

Where? In various parts of the city of São Paulo, check the locations here . Visit all the rooms with the 3D Tour on the website When? From November to December 2020 As? Free