
20 minimalist spaces from CASACOR 2021

The CASACOR 2021 cast proved, in several shows around the country, that the minimalist style works in all environments of the house. Check it out!

By Marina Pires

Updated at Mar 9, 2022, 1:48 PM - Submitted at Mar 10, 2022, 10:00 AM

03 min de leitura
Cosmopolitan Loft. Mariana Fishing - CASACOR Santa Catarina 2021

Cosmopolitan Loft. Mariana Fishing - CASACOR Santa Catarina 2021(Lio Simas/)

Cosmopolitan Loft - Mariana Pesca Arquitetura. Projeto da CASACOR Santa Catarina 2021. Neutral tones, straight lines, the (almost complete) absence of decorative elements and quality ahead of quantity are what permeate a minimalist decor . Considered one of the aesthetics that most enhance well-being , the minimalist style works in all areas of the house, helping and facilitating not only cleaning, but also clarity and organization of ideas — it is an aesthetic that works very well for the home office environment , for example.
Based on the theme “The Original House” , the minimalist style was present in different environments at CASACOR 2021 . Check out 20 spaces in the exhibition below in the gallery where aesthetics were the protagonist!
BC Arquitetos - Casa Alva

01/20 - BC Architects - Casa Alva, project for CASACOR São Paulo 2021. (MCA Estudio)

Ana Hnszel and Marcelo Polido - Social Garden

02/20 - Ana Hnszel and Marcelo Polido - Social Garden, project by CASACOR Rio Grande do Sul 2021. (Cristiano Bauce)

Nicolle Nogueira and Katherine Heim Weber - Rottas Prime Lounge

03/20 - Nicolle Nogueira and Katherine Heim Weber - Rottas Prime Lounge. CASACOR Paraná 2021 (Eduardo Macarios)

QOZ Architects - Eido Bathroom

04/20 - QOZ Architects - Eido Bathroom, project by CASACOR Ribeirão Preto 2021. (Felipe Araujo)

Alf Arquitetura – Gourmet + For Only Repairs (2)

05/20 - Alf Arquitetura - Gourmet + For Only Repairs, project by CASACOR Brasília 2021. (Haruo Mikami)

Ticiane Lima - Time House

06/20 - Ticiane Lima - Tempo House, a project by CASACOR São Paulo 2021 (MCA Estudio)

Studio Roca - Aegis House

07/20 - CASACOR Sao Paulo 2021 | (MCA Estudio)


08/20 - Cristina Menezes - Water Mirror and Mini Pavilion, project by CASACOR Minas Gerais 2021. (Jomar Bragança)

José Elias Mussi and Luciana Mara Mussi - Disconnect Suite

09/20 - José Elias Mussi and Luciana Mara Mussi - Disconnect Suite, a project by CASACOR Espírito Santo 2021. (Camila Santos)

Luiza Nogueira Architecture - CasaTua

10/20 - Luiza Nogueira Architecture - CasaTua, project by CASACOR Pernambuco 2021. (MCA Estudio)


11/20 - Letícia Finamore - Hall Gallery and Lavatories, project by CASACOR Espírito Santo 2021. (Camila Santos)


12/20 - Traama Architecture - Ori Refuge, project by CASACOR Brasília 2021. (Julia Totoli)

Deborah Nazareth – Mar de Xaraés

13/20 - Deborah Nazareth – Sea of Xaraés, project by CASACOR Mato Grosso do Sul 2021. (Denilson Machado)

Yugen DECA House - Gabriel Bordin

14/20 - Yugen DECA House - Gabriel Bordin. CASACOR Santa Catarina | Florianópolis 2021. (Denilson Machado)

Junior Piacesi - Serra House. (Jomar BragançaCASACOR) mines

15/20 - Junior Piacesi - Serra House, project by CASACOR Minas Gerais 2021. (Jomar Bragança)

Suna Reveev Room - Osvaldo Segundo & Associated Architects

16/20 - Suna Reveev Room - Osvaldo Segundo & Associated Architects, project by CASACOR Santa Catarina 2021. (Lio Simas)

Melina Romano- Alma Duratex House

17/20 - Melina Romano - Alma Duratex House, project by CASACOR São Paulo 2021. (MCA Estudio)


18/20 - Cosmopolitan Loft. Mariana Fishing - CASACOR Santa Catarina 2021 (Lio Simas)

Nildo José - Pottery House NJ+

19/20 - Nildo José - NJ+ Pottery House, project by CASACOR São Paulo 2021. (MCA Studio)

Studio Costa + Azevedo - Loft Greda

20/20 - Studio Costa + Azevedo - Greda Loft, project by CASACOR Pernambuco 2021. (MCA Estudio)

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