The proposals are varied, but the desire to have them at home is not. Vote for your favorite environment at CASACOR Espírito Santo 2021!
Updated at Nov 22, 2021, 12:49 PM - Submitted at Nov 19, 2021, 11:00 AM
Fabio Pinho and Sinthia Ferrari - Balcony and Garden. CASACOR Espírito Santo 2021 Project.(Camila Santos/)
01/16 - Bianca Margon - Daughter's Suite. (Camila Santos)
02/16 - Marcela Pretti and Rosana Rampazzo - Original Deca Kitchen. (Camila Santos)
03/16 - Renata Machado - Internal Garden. (Camila Santos)
04/16 - Renata Rocio Tristão - Master Suite. (Camila Santos)
05/16 - Renzo Cerqueira - Dining Room. (Camila Santos)
06/16 - Sérgio Paulo Rabello - Home Office Arcelomittal. (Camila Santos)
07/16 - Sergio Palmeira - Living. (Camila Santos)
08/16 - Zilda Helal - Heart of the House. (Camila Santos)
09/16 - Carol Daros - Home Spa. (Camila Santos)
10/16 - David Bastos - Showa Apartment. (Camila Santos)
11/16 - Fabio Pinho and Sinthia Ferrari - Balcony & Garden. (Camila Santos)
12/16 - Hudson Dal Ben and Heloisa dos Santos - Private Refuge. (Camila Santos)
13/16 - José Elias Mussi and Luciana Mara Mussi - Disconnect Suite. (Camila Santos)
14/16 - Letícia Finamore - Hall Gallery and Lavatories. (Camila Santos)
15/16 - Liane Destefani - Facade. CASACOR Espírito Santo 2021 Project. (Camila Santos)
16/16 - Luryê Vescovi - Baby Suite. (Camila Santos)