Oxidized effect is a trend at CASACOR 2018 in Brazil
The worn appearance, reminiscent of iron, steel and minerals, is on the surface of several environments in exhibitions across the country!
By Evelyn Nogueira
Updated at Feb 18, 2020, 7:41 AM - Submitted at Sep 28, 2018, 7:44 PM
01 min de leitura
CASACOR sets trends wherever it goes. This is nothing new. In our 24 exhibitions across the Americas, we showcase the best in design, decoration, architecture and landscaping, where we aim to influence visitors and professionals.This year, the oxidized effect became fashionable everywhere it went. In the gallery above, we selected some environments that focused on a worn and stripped-down look, to bring a contemporary air to the projects. Check it out! [april-see-also]W3siaWQiOjY4MzY3LCJ0aXRsZSI6IkJheSB3aW5kb3dzIHVuZW0gbyBleHRlcmlvciBjb20gbyBpbnRlcmlvciBuYSBDQVNBQ09SIFJKIDIwMTgifSx7ImlkIjo2NjI3OCwidGl0bGUiOiJBb m ltYWlzIG1vbm9jcm9tJiN4RTE7dGljb3MgcyYjeEUzO28gdGVuZCYjeEVBO25jaWEgbmEgQUJVUCAy MDE4In0seyJpZCI6NjM2NTgsInRpdGxlIjoiQ0FTQUNPUiAyMDE4OiBBIENhc2EgVml2YSBlb SAyMC BqYXJkaW5zIHZlcnRpY2FpcyJ9XQ==[/abril-see-also]