Apartment gains natural lighting and wooden furniture after renovation
Architect Dado Castello Branco chose elements that gave life and elegance to this apartment located in the Pinheiros neighborhood of São Paulo
By Redação
Updated at Mar 30, 2022, 5:35 PM - Submitted at Mar 31, 2022, 4:00 PM
05 min de leitura
(Fran Parente/)
(Fran Parente / CASACOR)
Designed by Dado Castello Branco , this 332 m² apartment located in the Pinheiros neighborhood of São Paulo gained elegance by adding subtle doses of color and opting for a predominance of wood in the furniture after the renovation.
(Fran Parente / CASACOR)
According to the architect, the space looks like a country house in the middle of the bustling city.In the work, the high, double-height ceiling was used to provide excellent natural lighting.
(Fran Parente / CASACOR)
A green wall gained space in the project and gave more life to the place.
(Fran Parente / CASACOR)
(Fran Parente / CASACOR)
The decoration was thought out from the ground up: from larger pieces, such as paintings, rugs, lampshades, to small details , such as lighting, candles and blankets.