Art, News

Gustavo Neves debuts as a visual artist at J.Boggo Galeria

The opening of the Oman exhibition, the first headed by the architect, will also be the opening date of the new space of designer Jay Boggo

By Redação

Updated at Feb 17, 2020, 4:26 PM - Submitted at Feb 3, 2020, 4:46 PM

03 min de leitura


(Divulgação / CASACOR)
The new space of the fashion designer Jay Boggo , the gallery that bears his name, will be inaugurated in Pinheiros, in the capital of São Paulo, with an exhibition by Gustavo Neves – the first that he heads as a visual artist. The exhibition Oman can be visited from February 5th, the day the gallery officially opens its doors.
The raw appearance is complementary to the "delicacy of the pure fabrics, displayed in a conscious fashion style, with a total connection with nature", Gustavo points out. The identity of his work, the texture of the exposed concrete, the dark coverings and the importance of memory reappear in his projects at CASACOR São Paulo , where he has been present since 2016. His latest production was Casa Sumé , in 2019, in a rescue that values indigenous ancestry. The inauguration and opening of the Oman exhibition will take place next Wednesday (5) at Rua Joaquim Antunes, 707. The event will take place from 5 pm to 9 pm.