Art and architecture go together, especially in the
Aberto 02 exhibition – a design, art and architecture platform, which chose the iconic
modernist house designed by
Vilanova Artigas , in São Paulo, in the
Alto da Boa Vista neighborhood, to house its new exhibition.
This is the first time that the residence has been opened to the public. Furthermore, the exhibition features surprising and unique works such as an
Edgar Degas , dating from 1884, which once belonged to the Ann and Gordon Getty collection. Brazilian artists also signed exclusive works for the exhibition.
Date : between August 13th and September 17th, from Wednesday to Sunday.
Opening hours: From 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. Last entry: 4:30 pm
Location: Rua Comendador Elias Zarzur, 2036 - Alto da Boa Vista, São Paulo- SP [april-see-also]W3siaWQiOjE1MDQwMCwidGl0bGUiOiJDYXNhIGRlIGNvbmRvbSYjeEVEO25pbyBkZSAxMTAgbSYjeEIyOyB0ZW0gdmlzdGEgcGFyYSBvIGNhbmFsIGUgZCYjeEU5O2NvciAmI3gyMDFDO3ByY WlhIGNoaWMmI3gyMDFEOyJ9LHsiaWQiOjE1MDU2NiwidGl0bGUiOiJMb2Z0cyB0cmFkdXplbSBvIG1vc mFyIGNvbnRlbXBvciYjeEUyO25lbyBuYSBDQVNBQ09SIFNQIDIwMjMhIn0seyJpZCI6MTUwMzc0LCJ0a XRsZSI6IiYjeEMxO3JlYSBkZSBjb252JiN4RUQ7dmlvIGRlIDE1NiBtJiN4QjI7ICYjeEU5OyBwcmVlbmNoaWRhIHBvciBtb2JpbGkmI3hFMTtyaW8gYXV0b3JhbCBlIHBsYW50YXMifV0=[/ April-see -also]