(Salvador Cordaro / CASACOR)
Inspired by a library, "A new way in the same way" is Marina Linhares' project for
CASACOR São Paulo 2022 . The space is a temple that brings contrasts between fashion elements and vintage pieces, resulting in an atmosphere so welcoming that you don't want to leave.
(Salvador Cordaro / CASACOR)
The project marks 20 years since Marina Linhares first participated in the event. In the midst of such a technological moment as the one we are going through, the architect rescues the small pleasures that technology cannot yet give us: such as turning a page, smelling the aroma of a book (new or old), among others. “I still like papers, books, collecting and what we bring back from travel”, he explains.
(Salvador Cordaro / CASACOR)
The professional explains the name given to the project - which is full of personal choices, with elegant colors and prints: “I'm not doing things in a new way, but in a new, more thoughtful, current and mature way”, she explains the professional.
(Salvador Cordaro / CASACOR)
The predominance of the vintage atmosphere does not mean that Linhares gave up technology. Quite the opposite! Marina invested in good designs, materials such as leather, certified wood and technology, with LED lighting and automation, which allows control of the house using a voice command, a click or remotely through a wireless socket that can go anywhere from the house. [april-see-also]W3siaWQiOjEyOTc2OCwidGl0bGUiOiJFc2NyaXRhIG5hIGRlY29yYSYjeEU3OyYjeEUzO28gJiN4RTk7IHRlbmQmI3hFQTtuY2lhIG5hIENBU0FDT1IgUyYjeEUzO28gUGF1bG8gMj Ay Mi4gQ29uZmlyYSEifSx7ImlkIjoxMjk1ODcsInRpdGxlIjoiQ2FzYSBDb3JhbCAmI3hFOTsgdW0gdGVtcGxvIGRlIGNvcmVzIG5hIENBU0FDT1IgU1AgMjAyMiBpbnNwaXJhZG8gbm8gZGVzaW duIn 1d[/abril-see-also]
Colors that bring joy
(Salvador Cordaro / CASACOR)
The choice of colors was carefully chosen and very well thought out to bring a cozy look, but still the joy of living in, as if the environment was part of a fairytale story. The color palette features warm tones; such as guava and woody flavors fill the space, in a harmonious and cozy way.
(Salvador Cordaro / CASACOR)
A bar integrates the environment, and features olive green ceramics that frame steel shelves designed by the architect herself. It is worth highlighting Marina's precise choices for the walls. Among them Fragments of the Real, by Mai-Britt Wolthers; Elza 62, a vinyl by Elza Soares, by Chiara Banfi; Open Sea, by Sandra Cinto; and the sculpture Dormentes by Lucas Simões
Friendly carpentry
(Salvador Cordaro / CASACOR)
Carpentry is one of the architect's great passions, and this is clear in her project, which featured an entire ceiling made of light wood with Maple finish, with the curved sides forming a tangent with the walls which, together with the coming and going da Paulista, it gives the feeling of being in a large train carriage.
(Salvador Cordaro / CASACOR)
The large windows were not covered so as not to hide the view. “I didn’t have the courage to put up a curtain to admire Paulista”, she jokes.
A unique facade
(Salvador Cordaro / CASACOR)
The project surprises from the entrance, where visitors are welcomed by a mapped projection, developed by Alexis Anastasiou from Visualfarm, of the lyrics of 'Noturno em São Paulo', from the album Feliz de Amor, by Dick Farney, which also appears on the album by record player and in the book Conjunto Nacional: a conquista da Paulista, present in the decoration of the environment.
(Salvador Cordaro / CASACOR)
As shown in the image above, the proposal is very Instagrammable and interactive.
(Salvador Cordaro / CASACOR)
Marina made a point of creating an accessible space: circulation area for wheelchair users, audio description (directed by Livia Motta, from Ver com Palavras) and video about the environment (with interpretation in Libras), tactile map and Braille prints so that the visually impaired people can touch and understand the prints: “sometimes we take so much care and don’t give access to everyone. It’s a movement for everyone to be here and enjoy”, she concludes.
CASACOR São Paulo Service 2022
Where: Conjunto Nacional, at Avenida Paulista, 2073.
Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 12pm to 10pm Sundays and Public Holidays from 11am to 9pm
Digital ticket office: https://casacor.byinti.com Ticket prices R$81.00 (Tuesday to Friday) - Full R$41.00 (Tuesday to Friday) – Half price R$101.00 (Saturday, Sunday and Holidays) R$51.00 (Saturday, Sunday and Holidays) – Half price Passport (free access on all exhibition days) R$601.00 (Pre-sale promotion code not applicable in this modality)
Buying a half-price ticket -Elderly people over 60 years old -Student presenting a valid document with photo or payment receipt. -Disabled person and their companion (according to law 12,933/13). *Pre-sale promotion not valid for half price *Proof of half-price ticket will be required at the door.
Important: Purchasing a passport offers free access to the exhibition. Free entry is for children up to 10 years of age. 1 (one) CPF can buy a maximum of 10 tickets.
Sales to Groups: Purchases over 10 tickets or by CNPJ, send an email
toajuda@byinti.com CASACOR São Paulo 2022 is sponsored by Master
Deca .
Coral is the official paint;
LG is the technology partner. The exhibition also has local sponsorship
Duratex , local support
Portinari and
Savoy .
Casa Riachuelo is the official supplier of linens;
Ketel One Vodka is the official beverage supplier;
Pottencial is the official insurer;
Peugeot is the official car;
Nescafé signs as the official coffee of the show. The hotel partner for the edition is
Radisson and
Veja is the official Media Partner of the event. [April-see-also]W3siaWQiOjEyOTcyMywidGl0bGUiOiJGb3JtYXMgb3JnJiN4RTI7bmljYXMgZSBjb3JlcyBxdWVudGVzIHRyYXplbSBoYXJtb25pYSBhbyBFc3QmI3hGQTtkaW8gQU1PUlBIT1 VTIn0 seyJpZCI6MTI5NzAzLCJ0aXRsZSI6IkxvZnQgVU0gdmFsb3JpemEgYSBhcnF1aXRldHVyYSBtb2Rl cm5hIGUgcmVmb3ImI3hFNzthIHVyYmFuaWRhZGUgbmEgQ0FTQUNPUiBTUCJ9LHsiaWQiOj EyOTY4OS widGl0bGUiOiJDYXJhbmQmI3hFMTsgJiN4RTk7IHVtIGF0ZWxpJiN4RUE7IGJvdCYjeEUyO25pY 28gaW5zcGlyYWRvIG5vIHZpc3VhbCBkZSB1bWEgY2FzYSBkZSBjYW1wbyJ9XQ= =[/abril-see-also]