Decoration, Environments

Antique pieces bring a rustic feel to the CASACOR Campinas space

Antiquarian Arnaldo Danemberg is present for the first time at CASA COR Campinas 2016, in the Sala do Bem Estar space

By Alex Alcantara

Updated at Feb 1, 2019, 3:25 PM - Submitted at Apr 8, 2016, 7:32 PM

01 min de leitura


GPPA_CC Campinas2016_(RafaelRenzo)-121
Among the objects selected by the architects are a table, screen, lamp and chair of French origin and a Portuguese balcony armchair. Below, you can see the items placed in the CASA COR Campinas 2016 space. GPPA_CC Campinas2016_(RafaelRenzo)-49GPPA_CC Campinas2016_(RafaelRenzo)-61GPPA_CC Campinas2016_(RafaelRenzo)-8702-ambientes-casacorcampinas2016 Check out more details about the space in the video below! [youtube]