Decoration, News, Environments

TTERA space was the meeting point for CASACOR SP 2017

Designed by architect Gui Mattos, the proposal for the place was to provide a pleasant and relaxing experience for the exhibition partners

By Victor Lessa

Updated at Aug 1, 2017, 2:59 PM - Submitted at Aug 1, 2017, 2:59 PM

03 min de leitura

(Rafael Renzo/)

Designed by architect Gui Mattos, in partnership with TTERA Construções, the TTERA Events Space was the stage for numerous meetings during CASACOR São Paulo 2017. With 550 m², the proposal of the place was to provide a pleasant and relaxing experience for the show's partners.
(Rafael Renzo / CASACOR)
(Alex Minconi / CASACOR)
The entrance to the space was via the grandstand of the Jockey Club of São Paulo, which was full of wooden slats, leading to a hill. Upon entering the space, one discovered a succession of niches, characterized by a very expressive roof design, precise geometry and the choice of less valued materials, typical of construction sites.