An environment where visitors can enjoy an excellent coffee, a delicious meal, and even chat with friends is the 97 m² space, designed by Idália Daudt at
CASA COR São Paulo 2016 .
Boulangerie mixes contemporary, industrial and rustic styles in a functional location, operated by Dona Deôla.
Idália was inspired by current cafes and bistros in cities like Paris, London and New York to create the one in the exhibition.
We can highlight the walls covered with Duratex panels, with a burnt cement and brick pattern, which contrast with the vibrant colors of the chairs and bench.
The yellow swinging door, which connects the support kitchen to the lounge, was also made with sheets that are a new product from Duratex. Woody pattern plates were also used on the table tops.
Another covering used in the space is Brick Natura from Lepri, which reproduces the appearance of demolition bricks, with highlighted veins, in Cappuccino color.
With a sustainable appeal, the professional invested in blasting the ceiling paint, minimizing material consumption and minimal waste generation. What gives the space charm are some bold works, made from recyclable plastic material and worked with the artisanal embroidery technique. These, as well as the collection of humor-filled drawings are by Austrian artist Bernhard Resch, who are exhibiting for the first time in Brazil, and were made exclusively for our environment.
CASA COR SÃO PAULO SERVICE 2016 WHEN? May 17th to July 10th, 2016. Tuesday to Thursday from 12pm to 9pm. Friday, Saturday and holidays from 12pm to 9:30pm. Sunday from 12pm to 8pm. WHERE? Jockey Club of São Paulo -- Av. Lineu de Paula Machado, 775 -- Cidade Jardim. AS? From Tuesday to Thursday Full ticket: R$52 Student ticket: R$26 Senior ticket (for people aged 60 and over): R$26 Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays Full ticket: R$65 Student ticket: R$32 Senior ticket (for people aged 60 and over): R$ 32.50 Single passport : R$150 Valet: R$30