After strolling through the
38 environments at CASACOR Rio , assimilating incredible inspirations in architecture and
interiors , how about having a coffee? A perfect area for rest, the
café and restaurant projects at the 30th Rio exhibition take advantage of the
12,000 m² of gardens at
Residência Brando Barbosa , offering the best outdoor living. Check it out below!
The Café, by Lucilla Pessoa de Queiroz and Renata Caiafa Quintanilha
By the pool, a cafe . This is the proposal of the duo Lucilla Pessoa de Queiroz and Renata Caiafa Quintanilha with the
Café – a project marked by the
blue of the furniture and the green of the gardens . With pieces created by the architects themselves, the furniture predominantly made of iron and wood also includes
contemporary furniture and creations by
Sérgio Rodrigues .
The Bistro House, by Maurício Nóbrega
The residence's old garage now houses a
charming bistro designed by Mauricio Nóbrega. In the secluded area of the garden, the
Casa Bistrô restaurant features a
mix of pieces of different styles – many of them found in the house itself and unused for years.
In the
area outside the restaurant, the summer furniture chooses
large tables and spacious benches as favorites – allowing even people from the same group to sit at a certain distance from each other. To delimit the dining areas, a
set of vases of various sizes were used.
The Tea Bar, by Roberta Nicolau
The residence's garden gains a new function with the
Chá Bar , designed by Roberta Nicolau. The
comfortable furniture , with sofas and benches prepared especially for the location, allows visitors to
rest while having a cup of tea and contemplating nature. A delicate design by designer
Rafael Mirre graces the walls, making everything even more intimate.
Empório Cooking 2 Go, by Tiago Freire
Located in the house's old workshop,
Empório Cooking 2 Go bears the marks of time on the
peeling brick walls and the original pieces of the space, such as the old tank and tiles, which have been restored. Baroque elements take on a contemporary look thanks to the
furniture created especially for the exhibition .
Inside, the
intimate decor takes inspiration from old
neighborhood grocery stores . The space sells food created by
Cooking Buffet to be consumed anywhere: whether in the garden, like on a picnic; at home or even outside, outside.
Service: CASACOR Rio 30 years
Period: from March 2nd to May 9th, 2021, except from March 26th to April 4th, when the exhibition will be closed.
Location: Rua Lopes Quintas, 497. Botanical Garden.
Telephone: (21) 2512-2411
Tickets and visit scheduling: Visits will be scheduled at the time of purchase. There will be no time restrictions to circulate through the gardens, an area of 12 thousand square meters in the open air. Visits to the 23 internal environments must comply with the time pre-established in the schedule. The use of a mask is mandatory.
From Tuesday to Thursday: Full ticket: R$ 70.00 Half price: R$ 35.00
From Friday to Sunday and holidays: Full ticket: R$ 80.00 Half price: R$ 40.00 [April-see-also]W3siaWQiOjEwMzIxMiwidGl0bGUiOiJBcyBzYWxhcyBkZSBlc3RhciBtYWlzIGluY3ImI3hFRDt2ZWlzIGRhIENBU0FDT1IgUmlvIDIwMjEuIEFwcmVjaWUhIn0seyJpZCI6MTAxMzY5LC J0 gM0QgRGlnaXRhbDogdmlzaXRlIG9zIDM4IGFtYmllbnRlcyBkYSBDQVNBQ09SIFJpbyBzZW0gc2FpciBkZSBjYXNhIn1d[/abril-see-also]