
Natural beauty in the 45 rooms of Casa Cor Santa Catarina 2014

"SC Décor: One State, all styles" is the theme of the event, held simultaneously in the cities of Florianópolis and Praia Brava in Itajaí, until June 15.

By Por Luciana Andrade | Fotos Sidney Kair e Lio Simas

Updated at Mar 3, 2017, 4:01 PM - Submitted at May 11, 2015, 8:05 PM

01 min de leitura


[galeria-abril id='39377' type='slider'] Getting to know the 45 rooms at Casa Cor Santa Catarina is like getting in touch with the different lifestyles of the state, privileged by the natural beauty of the mountains, the Itajaí Valley and the coast. Several rooms pay homage to the lifestyle of cities in SC: Balneário Camboriú, Blumenau, Florianópolis, Itajaí, Itapema, Joinville, Lages São José and Tubarão were the inspiration for 14 of the 45 spaces at the event. To present a new perspective on this plurality of styles, the professionals valued the use of local raw materials, suppliers of region and revered nature in the coverings. This without giving up sophistication and high technology, aligning the show with the major launches and global trends. The result can be seen in the two venues of the show: in Florianópolis, at the Simphonia WOA Beiramar development, with 22 environments; and in Praia Brava in Itajaí, in the 23 spaces distributed in the Riviera Business Mall. In total, Casa Cor occupies an area of 4 thousand square meters.