
Google Timelapse Shows Impacts of Climate Change Over the Years

It is now possible to explore the planet from different dates and understand how climate change has influenced the environment

By Redação

Updated at Jun 7, 2021, 6:38 PM - Submitted at Jun 9, 2021, 4:00 PM

03 min de leitura


Text and images: Yara Guerra | Casa.com.br google timelapse mudanca climatica In order to offer a broader perspective on the changes in the planet's climate conditions , Google has launched its timelapse with the Google Earth . With it, the user can explore the earth in infinite detail through time from 1984 onwards, documenting growing cities and industries, and moving oceans and rivers.
google timelapse climate change
(Google/Casa.com.br / CASACOR)
Just look at the Amazon rainforest or fly over your hometown over the decades and you’ll realize: the Earth is certainly a very different place than it was nearly 40 years ago. And that’s exactly what the Google team aims to do with the program and its features: to entertain and empower users to create positive change from a 3D replica of the world that reflects the planet in magnificent detail.
google timelapse climate change
(Google/Casa.com.br / CASACOR)
To explore, launch Google Earth and tap the Voyager tab. You can either explore on your own or use the five guided tours offered by Google, and analyze changes in forests, urban growth, the warming planet, energy sources and the fragile beauty of the Earth.
google timelapse climate change
(Google/Casa.com.br / CASACOR)
Google has also uploaded over 800 2D and 3D timelapse videos for public use. You can watch any of the videos you want in mp4 format or simply watch them on YouTube. The interesting thing now is how different people using the program will use the timelapse to shed light on the planet.
To create the feature, the Google team worked with experts from CREATE Lab at Carnegie Mellon University to create the technology behind the timelapse and worked with them again to understand what they were seeing.