Guests and professionals got to know the 37 spaces of the 2015 edition of Casa Cor Goiás at a special cocktail party held at the Anis Rassi Mansion
Updated at Mar 3, 2017, 4:01 PM - Submitted at May 15, 2015, 4:23 PM
On the evening of May 14, the opening cocktail party for Casa Cor Goiás 2015 took place at the Anis Rassi Mansion, located at Rua Mario Bittar, nº 181, in the Marista Sector. The event was aimed at professionals from the world of architecture and decoration and opened the exhibition officially opens. Under the direction of architects Eliane Martins and Sheila Podestá, the 19th edition of the exhibition presents Brazilianness as its theme. There are 3500 m² of pure creativity, with ideas that can be applied in houses, apartments, studios and commercial or corporate.
The 37 environments designed by 56 architecture, decoration and landscaping professionals from the state use the concept of sustainability and feature the use of certified and reclaimed wood, economical LED lighting and conscious water consumption, all without compromising on design. . Part of the ticket sales for the exhibition will also go to OVG (Organization of Volunteers of Goiás) and CEVAM (Center for the Appreciation of Women).
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