During the pandemic, vulnerable populations, who live in precarious housing where basic sanitation does not reach, are those who suffer most from contamination. With little or no access to treated water, more than 30 million Brazilians are unable to sanitize your hands to prevent contact with the virus. With this in mind, the organization
Habitat for Humanity Brazil began a social mobilization to install more than 300 community sinks in favelas and peripheral regions of 13 Brazilian states.
The community sinks have already begun to be installed and should reach more than 90,000 people by the end of August. Located at strategic points in the communities, the sinks are being taken to the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Juiz de Fora , Lavras, Porto Alegre, Florianopolis, Salvador, João Pessoa and Recife. The initiative is the result of the articulation between volunteers, partners of Habitat for Humanity Brazil, donors, companies and communities; such as Florescer Brasil, Engenheiros Sem Fronteiras, Favelar, Atos Colaborativos, Arquitetura Faz Bem, Mobiliza RAU + E, among others.[newsletter]