
Artisanal production from the Amazon is the theme of the Creatives by Tradition Festival

The event is part of the official DW! 2022 calendar and reinforces the importance of crafts as an expression of the region's knowledge and popular culture

By Redação

Updated at Aug 30, 2022, 5:31 PM - Submitted at Aug 25, 2022, 2:00 PM

05 min de leitura
 Designer Antônio Castro and ceramist Jefferson Paiva during the process of creating Marajoara pieces in Santarém - PA.

Designer Antônio Castro and ceramist Jefferson Paiva during the process of creating Marajoara pieces in Santarém - PA.(Thiago Poncio/Artesol/)

Creative Festival by DW Tradition! 2022
(Thiago Poncio/Artesol / CASACOR)
Part event, part movement, the Festival Criativos por Tradição is an invitation to reflect on the urgency of protecting the Amazon and valuing the traditional ways of life, culture, rhythm and communities of this territory. One of DW's flagship events! – the Design Weekend of São Paulo –, the festival features an exhibition, seminar, workshops and craft fair, which will be located at the São Paulo Cultural Center (CCSP) between September 3rd and October 3rd, 2022.
Creative Festival by DW Tradition! 2022
(Aline Fidelix/Artesol / CASACOR)
The diversity of artifacts created in the Amazon is the result of experimentation with techniques, shapes, natural elements, symbols and ancestral memories that give the region's crafts a plural and unique character at the same time . With the exhibition Conexões Amazônia , the festival aims to reveal the history , the way of life, popular knowledge and creative language of eight different indigenous communities , such as the Baniwa and Krahô, villages of Tapajônica potters, settlements of rubber tappers, among other groups. “To reveal the power of the cultural heritage related to artisanal work in these territories, we promoted an immersion of eight designers , one in each community, stimulating the exchange of knowledge, dialogue and reflective thinking between tradition and contemporaneity. The idea of documenting this experience and revealing this process in the exhibition is to emphasize the protagonism of artisans as authors of a production of great sociocultural relevance and guardians of the biodiversity of the Amazon”, explains Jô Masson , executive director of Artesol, the organization that promotes the event.
Creative Festival by DW Tradition! 2022
(Thiago Poncio/Artesol / CASACOR)
In addition to the cultural value, an important aspect of the production of the territory is sustainability , since one of the great contributions of these communities to our design work is their model of interrelationship with nature. The festival's program also includes a seminar with important actors and thinkers from the Amazon , including artisans, researchers and activists, who will promote reflections and discussions on the context of safeguarding popular knowledge, public policies, the consumer market, and co-creation processes. and initiatives that are a reference for sustainable development.
Creative Festival by DW Tradition! 2022
(Thiago Poncio/Artesol / CASACOR)
As this is a hybrid event, the Festival will feature a virtual platform where visitors can take a tour of the exhibition, access content about the world of Amazonian artisanal work, watch seminar lectures and attend workshops taught by artisans.

Creative Festival Service by Tradition

Location: Sao Paulo Cultural Center Address: 1000 - Paradise Street, Sao Paulo - SP, 01504-000 Date: September 3rd to October 3rd, 2022 Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 8pm; Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 6pm Entrance: Free More information: