A growing problem in Ecuador is the growing number of homeless animals in the country. And while public policies discuss this issue, the neighborhood of Babahoyo, together with the Natura Futura Arquitectura office, developed a prototype of a temporary shelter, arranged in strategic places in the neighborhood for dogs and cats to take refuge.
"The project was designed mainly so that the animals have a place of protection during the day and night, establishing, together with the community, care for the pets, where the commitment is made to provide water and food", explains José Fernando Gómez. , from the Natura Futura Arquitectura office. The project, called
La Casita del Barrio , consists of small houses that were designed entirely for homeless pets, combining architectural solutions with urban and aesthetic design. Each small building is 60 cm² in size
, made of wood, which is protected against water. and rain through small eaves, which also help to provide cross ventilation. A food tray is placed next to the water tray. There are two models, one for cats and one for dogs.
The goal of this project is to bring the idea of awareness to a responsible city, which welcomes and learns to live alongside animals while they search for a permanent home.