Decoration, Environments

Coverings evoke different styles in the spaces of CASACOR Brasília

The good choice of elements covering walls and floors results in environments with a concrete and complete concept, sophisticated and very bold.

By Alex Alcantara

Updated at Jul 26, 2018, 1:10 PM - Submitted at Oct 6, 2016, 5:13 PM

03 min de leitura


Thinking that only colors, lines and furniture can translate a certain style into a space is not 100% correct. Several other elements, combined and interconnected with a proposal, print and illustrate a concept. The covering, both floor and wall, is one of the main characters in decoration, and when chosen correctly, it expresses what the professional imagined for the space. At CASACOR Brasília 2016 , architects and interior designers made the choice of material the key element of their spaces, each with a different style. Com-açucar-com-afeto_1 Desirée Nassaralla and Marcelo Marcolino wanted a space that would bring back fond memories, combine classic and contemporary styles, and recall family experiences in a single location with a retro feel. The space , Com açúcar, com carinho, is characterized by light colors and a very clean atmosphere, which is why the duo invested in a rustic, light-colored stone floor, inspired by the large rock located on the corner of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, the Gibraltar Sand, by Portobello. The wall was decorated with tiles inspired by the subway in European cities (Liverpool White Matte and Liverpool Nude Matte). But the highlights are the cobogós, which at the same time integrate and delimit spaces (Cobogós Elemento Asimétrico and Elemento Simétrico in white) and on the sofa wall, a mosaic was made with a beautiful line of wood rich in textures and reliefs, created inspired by artisanal carpentry (Geppetto Spina Chevron). CASA COR 2016 - FLAT TERRACOTA - FOTÓGRAFO JOMAR BRAGANÇA The Flat Terracota by architect Débora Brayner was created based on lofts. The multifunctionality of the space and the integration of spaces were the premises for choosing the coverings. To divide, without completely delimiting the bedroom from the living area, the professional placed a partition made of cobogós (Cobogó Elemento Cinza Simétrico e Asimétrico) between the two spaces - bed and sofa. To give the space a modern and casual touch, a tile that reproduces the effects of wallpaper and patchwork, Vila Madá Cobogó Indigo, was chosen for the kitchen wall. Bilheteria-e-Fachada_2
HOME COLOR SERVICE BRASILIA 2016 When? From September 22nd to November 9th. Tuesday to Friday, from 3pm to 10pm. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 12pm to 10pm. Where? Commercial building of QI 9 in Lago Sul, lot D. Former Inacor (National Heart Institute). As? Full: R$46 Half: R$23 Online sales: http://abr.ai/2bRgSTP