Contemporary, the house inspires well-being and comfort, using natural materials to assert a sustainable appeal. Exclusive stones, such as basalt, appear in the coverings; while the works of art were made with reused wood — an aspect that gave them a unique appearance. The walls were sealed in natural straw, helping to keep the environment airy and fresh. In terms of furniture, the highlight is the natural veneer and stone table designed by the professional. Outside, the moss-covered chair, made especially for the exhibition, steals the show. Among the signature design pieces, it is worth noting the Vittra and Zanine di Zanini armchairs. [April-see-also]W3siaWQiOjkyNzUyLCJ0aXRsZSI6IkVzdCYjeEZBO2RpbyB2aW50YWdlIGVuY2FudGEgY29tIHBlJiN4RTc7YXMgaGktbG8gZSBzb2x1JiN4RTc7JiN4RjU7ZXMgY3JpYXRp dmFzIG5hIGRlY29yYSYjeEU3OyYjeEUzO28ifSx7ImlkIjo3ODc4NSwidGl0bGUiOiJDQVNBQ09SI FNDIHwgQmFsbmUmI3hFMTtyaW8gQ2FtYm9yaSYjeEZBOyAyMDE5OiBhcnF1aXRldHVyYSBzZW5zb 2 xMSBpZGVpYXMifV0=[/abril-see-also] [newsletter]