Decoration, Environments

CASACOR SC: The trend of copper, bronze and gold tones

Always in fashion, gold is not left aside, but bronze and copper are gaining space in decoration and giving a touch of sophistication to environments.

By Redação

Updated at Jul 26, 2018, 2:07 PM - Submitted at Nov 21, 2016, 7:38 PM

05 min de leitura


CASACOR is known for presenting trends in the world of decoration, design and architecture, in addition to inspiring the public with pieces and colors that make all the difference. In the 2016 edition in Santa Catarina , bronze and copper are among the highlights and in practically all environments. These two tones have been gaining more and more space in decoration and can be used both in small details and in entire pieces. Accompanied by neutral, cool and discreet tones, copper and bronze stand out and bring warmth and comfort to the environment. CopaAlmoço_FOTO LIO SIMAS
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- These tones can be used in lighting fixtures, which is more common, and very easy to see in the show's environments, such as in the Box Office by architect Juliana Jagelsk, in the Dining Room by architects Anna Maya and Anderson Schussler, in the Lovers Suite by designer and decorator Laura Gransotto, in the Lunch Room by architect Thais Giusti, in the Stanza Della Donna room by architect Francine Faraco, in the Wine and Prose space by professionals Cris Passing and Giovane Marangoni and in the Café by architects Isadora Maestri and Carol Porto.
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
Gold never goes out of style and, in this edition, it appears less than copper and bronze, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have an impact. On the contrary, it takes over new spaces, such as in the Host's Kitchen by architect Mariana Pesca, where it plays a fundamental role. In the space, in addition to utensils, gold gives a new look to the stove.
Just like in the Toillet by architect Elaine Gerente and designer Luiza Porto, which brings sophistication to a fully adapted bathroom. You can also see these three tones in decorative objects, furniture and even wallpaper. CASACOR SANTA CATARINA 2016 SERVICE WHEN? From October 25th to December 4th Tuesday to Friday – 3pm to 9pm Saturdays and holidays – 1pm to 9pm Sundays – 1pm to 7pm WHERE? Dr. Oswaldo Cabral House - Esteves Jr Street, No. 546 – Downtown – Florianópolis AS? Full price – R$ 35 Half price – R$ 17.50 (children up to 12 years old and seniors) Passport – R$ 100