News, Sustainability

Sustainability challenges at CASACOR are the subject of a talk at Feicon

Next Thursday, Darlan Firmato will lead the debate "Challenges in reconciling excellence in interior architecture and sustainability"

By Redação

Updated at Feb 17, 2020, 4:38 PM - Submitted at Apr 10, 2019, 4:42 PM

03 min de leitura

(Andrea Benedetti/)

Next Thursday, April 11th, at 11:15 am, CASACOR 's architect and sustainability manager Darlan Firmato will lead the talk "Challenges in reconciling excellence in interior architecture and sustainability" at Arena Casa24h at Feicon Batimat, in São Paulo. Paul Expo.
Throughout the assembly and disassembly period, the CASACOR team guides professionals and their collaborators on a wide range of topics, such as organization, cleaning, waste management, good use of water and energy, preservation of historical and tree heritage, and work safety. , prevention of nuisances and pollution. The professionals' commitment to sustainability is evident both in their projects and during the assembly period. As a result, in 2018 alone, the exhibition valued around 2,400 tons of materials, including plaster, plastics, glass, Styrofoam, rubble and organic material, among others. With its sustainability policies and the implementation of its Valorization Center of Waste, 99.3% of the total materials used were diverted from landfills and were disposed of appropriately. The organic material was separated and sent to the composting area, where, until the dismantling of the exhibition, 9 tons of fertilizer.