Architecture, Sustainability

Clean and alternative constructions are highlighted at CASACOR Ribeirão

More sustainable constructions such as geodesic domes, modular homes and metal structures are some of the highlights of the exhibition

By Yeska Coelho

Updated at Oct 14, 2024, 2:23 PM - Submitted at Oct 14, 2024, 3:00 PM

08 min de leitura
Fabiano Taleb - Motorcyclist's Tiny House. CASACOR Ribeirão Preto 2024 Project.

Fabiano Taleb - Motorcyclist's Tiny House. CASACOR Ribeirão Preto 2024 Project.(Keniche Santos/)

Sustainable buildings are known for their environmental benefits, as they are often able to create a perfect connection with nature . Although the topic is more popular than ever, buildings that aim to combine architecture and sustainability have been designed for decades. In 2024, the model, which continues to inspire contemporary architects and engineers, has been one of the attractions of the 6th edition of CASACOR Ribeirão Preto . “When we have the idea of building, we think of masonry, which is the most traditional method. But today, architectural evolution provides more modern, faster and more functional processes, as well as different materials, with low environmental impact and better cost-benefit. Since the objective of CASACOR is to present the main trends in the sector to the public, we could not leave this one out”, explains Maurício Siqueira, director of the exhibition in the city.

Geometric dome

Taiza Moiteiro - Maximum Loft. CASACOR Ribeirão Preto 2024 Project.
(Keniche Santos / CASACOR)
One of the most surprising constructions of CASACOR Ribeirão Preto was named “Domo Refúgio Máxima Gourmet” and was designed by architect Taiza Moiteiro .
Taiza Moiteiro - Maximum Loft. CASACOR Ribeirão Preto 2024 Project.
(Keniche Santos / CASACOR)
The structure is made of wood , with nautical plywood sheets, sealing and external waterproofing . Meanwhile, the glass panel provides a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. Taiza Moiteiro - Loft Máxima. Projeto da CASACOR Ribeirão Preto 2024.
Angela Dorascenzi, Emerson Araújo e Fernanda Lucca - Casulo. Projeto da CASACOR Ribeirão Preto 2024. Following the same line, “Casulo”, by Ângela Dorascenzi, Emerson Araújo and Fernanda Lucca , was developed through modular, off-site construction, in a metal structure and with almost 100% ecologically correct materials. Angela Dorascenzi, Emerson Araújo e Fernanda Lucca - Casulo. Projeto da CASACOR Ribeirão Preto 2024. This without leaving aside the sophistication and modernity present in the selection of finishes. “Our goal was to find a balance between the natural and the constructed, integrating spaces with the least possible interference. With low-impact materials and renewable energy technologies, it is a positive contribution to the environment”, emphasize the professionals.

Tiny House

Fabiano Taleb - Tiny House do Motociclista. Projeto da CASACOR Ribeirão Preto 2024. Fabiano Taleb, who created the “Tiny House for Motorcyclists”, also opted for the metal structure . “We also chose this option because it was quicker. It took about 45 days to assemble. In addition, the construction was much cleaner,” he explained.
Fabiano Taleb - Motorcyclist's Tiny House. CASACOR Ribeirão Preto 2024 Project.
(Keniche Santos / CASACOR)
The architect points out that the Tiny House concept itself, which guides the project, is part of this proposal. “They are small houses , compact and minimalist dwellings, which exalt conscious consumption and sustainability with a touch of modernity,” he adds.

CASACOR Service Ribeirão Preto 2024

Where: Av. Costábile Romano, 931, in Ribeirania - Ribeirao Preto/SP

When: August 20th to October 20th

Opening hours: Tuesday to Thursday, from 3pm to 9pm Fridays and Saturdays, from 3pm to 10pm Sundays, from 3pm to 8pm

Digital box office:

Ticket prices: R$ 90 – Full R$ 45 – Half price

Half-price tickets upon confirmation.