News, Professionals

Neobambu opens showroom designed by Guilherme Torres

During Design Weekend, Neobambu invited several designers to create special pieces and reinterpretations in bamboo

By Camila Boni

Updated at Dec 8, 2017, 2:42 PM - Submitted at Aug 18, 2015, 5:56 PM

01 min de leitura


Neobambu held a cocktail party last Friday afternoon (14) to celebrate the opening of the brand's first showroom. The space was designed by Guilherme Torres. The event was attended by designers Bruno Simões, Débora Vitoriano, Judith Pottecher, Marcio Juliasz, Paulo Alves, Rodrigo Almeida, Shisha Kessin and Zanini de Zanine, who presented reinterpretations of their renowned pieces using bamboo. [galeria-abril id='28109' type='slider']