Decoration, Environments

Marine plywood and exposed concrete dominate the space at CASACOR SP 2016

Maicon Antoniolli's Collector's Gallery invites visitors on a journey through time, uniting past and present in a <em>high-low</em> décor

By Alex Alcantara

Updated at Feb 1, 2019, 3:40 PM - Submitted at Sep 5, 2016, 4:54 PM

03 min de leitura


Maicon_Antoniolli_1 Maicon Antoniolli, an architect from Paraná, made his debut at CASA COR São Paulo 2016 with an inspiring environment, the Collector's Gallery , which takes visitors on a journey through time, taking them from the past to the present with a selection of materials and works of art.
To begin explaining the project, we must take into account the two main materials used in the space: marine plywood and exposed concrete. They are characteristic of the location and enhance the original architecture of the Jockey Clinic, which was also maintained in the design of the space. Visitors had the feeling of being inside a shipping container. Maicon_Antoniolli_6Maicon_Antoniolli_7A Another important point is the "T" shape of the space, which guides the visitor to analyze and "travel" through space and time. Works by young artists share the space with furniture from the 1940s and 70s, revamped with current fabrics and colors that bring a high-low concept. Maicon_Antoniolli_9