Decoration, News, Environments

CASACOR MG 2016: rooms, kitchen, coworking and more on TV CASA COR!

Discover 8 environments from the Minas Gerais exhibition!

By Marianna Rodrigues

Updated at Mar 3, 2017, 4:07 PM - Submitted at Sep 29, 2016, 2:53 PM

01 min de leitura




On Wednesday, September 28, TVCASA COR visited CASACOR Minas Gerais 2016 and showed some of the spaces in the show. Check out the video: the Wine Room with Silvia Carvalho; the Family TV Room with Eduardo Brandão and Junia Bernanos; the Kitchen Concept by Cristina Menezes; the Lounge at Casa do Baile with Renata da Matta; the Coworking space with Pollyana Nunes; the Circle, Square and a Quarter of a Circle with Gustavo Greco; the Couple's Intimate Room by Iara Santos. Also, get to know the Bedroom from Hotel , by Júnior Piacesi, presented by Marcia Carini! Like and share!