News, Professionals

CASACOR Bolivia welcomes over a thousand guests at Opening Cocktail Party

Promoted by Deca, the opening night of the exhibition had several special guests, including professionals, journalists and partners

By Redação

Updated at Apr 25, 2018, 4:56 PM - Submitted at Apr 25, 2018, 4:54 PM

03 min de leitura

CASACOR Team(Divulgação/)

(Divulgação / CASACOR)
Opened today (25) to the public, CASACOR Bolivia 2018 received last night (24) more than 1,000 guests, including journalists, professionals and partners to celebrate the 6th edition of the show in the country. The big event, called La Noche Deca, promoted by the sponsor CASACOR , marked the official start of the show, which takes place between April 25th and May 26th, at Quinta Mc Kenney, a building located on Avenida Las Américas.
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
The party was attended by distinguished guests, such as Graziela de Caroli, franchise manager at CASACOR , Raquel Cabalcanti, international account manager at Deca , and Robert Weidling, commercial manager at Weidling SA. Check out some photos of the CASACOR Bolivia 2018 Opening Cocktail above!
WHEN? From April 25th to May 26th WHERE? Former Quinta Mc Kenney – Calle Mc Kenney, 353 – Santa Cruz de la Sierra – Bolivia AS? Full price: Bs 100 Passport: Bs 350