News, Professionals

CASA COR SP welcomes students from São Judas University on a guided tour

Students from the interior design course at Universidade São Judas were able to discover the exhibition spaces on a guided tour with big names from CASA COR!

By Alex Alcantara

Updated at Jul 26, 2018, 12:00 PM - Submitted at May 20, 2016, 4:28 PM

01 min de leitura


On May 19, students of the interior design course at São Judas University were able to visit the 70 spaces of CASA COR São Paulo 2016. The tour was guided by Livia Pedreira, CASA COR 's managing director, Pedro Ariel, content director, and Cris Bava, the exhibition's relationship director. The students were able to ask questions directly to some of the professionals who designed the spaces and learn more about the world of the largest design, architecture and decoration exhibition in Latin America. VISITA GUIADA SAO JUDAS-39VISITA GUIADA SAO JUDAS-42