News, Professionals

CASACOR RS: talk about fashion, design and architecture

The chat took place at Villa Sanmartin and was attended by professionals and the stylist honored by the space, Juliana Sanmatin.

By Redação

Updated at May 30, 2017, 1:18 PM - Submitted at Aug 18, 2016, 9:03 PM

03 min de leitura


-®2016_VINIDALLAROSA-3927 The duo Amanda Fratin Kreling and Daniel Moraes are responsible for Villa Sanmartin , an environment that pays homage to the Rio Grande do Sul stylist Juliana Sanmartin, at CASA COR Rio Grande do Sul and this past Tuesday, August 16, they received some guests for a TALK SHOW with the space's honoree and designer Rejane Carvalho Leite. Rejane Carvalho-Leite,-Daniel-Moraes,-Patricia-Parenza,-Juliana-Sanmartin-e-Amanda-Kreling_VINIDALLAROSA-3875 The chat was moderated by journalist Patrícia Parenza, who addressed the topic of FASHION, DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE - POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS. The highlight was the inspiration of each professional, taking into account the excess of information received daily and the difficult task of editing. Rejane-Carvalho-Leite,-Amanda-Krelling,-Daniel-Moraes-e-Juliana-Sanmartin-®2016_VINIDALLAROSA-3772 CASA COR RS SERVICE 2016 - NEW DATE WHERE?
WHEN? From June 28 to August 28, 2016 Tuesday to Friday from 3pm to 9pm Saturday from 12pm to 9pm Sunday from 12pm to 8pm AS? Tickets: R$40 (with discount for students and seniors) On-site valet service *CASA COR AT THE LAGHETTO VIVERONE MOINHOS HOTEL (Rua Dr. Vale 579 – Moinhos de Vento) - Daily visitation with free admission - Free transfer for visitors to CASA COR RS on Saturdays and Sundays (4pm, 5pm and 6pm), departing from the exhibition ticket office.