
Casa Cor takes place for the first time in Ecuador

The exhibition will debut in a house considered a historic heritage site. The building was damaged by earthquakes and has been restored to welcome visitors.

By Alex Alcantara

Updated at Apr 11, 2017, 3:27 PM - Submitted at Jul 28, 2015, 5:46 PM

01 min de leitura


Casa Cor, which has more than 22 franchises in its home country, Brazil, has been expanding its borders and will now take place in Ecuador. Led by Pamela Navascués and Mónica Vaca, the show had its official launch on January 23, 2014, at the Zao restaurant and was attended by suppliers and professionals.
A large French garden with cobblestone walkways, trees and palm trees welcomes visitors. A year ago, the garden was barely visible, as the house was abandoned and the site was used as a parking lot. According to the franchisees, during the seven months of work, the hardest part was the carpentry. They also had to reinforce the structures, change several beams and most of the floors. Casa Cor Equador takes place from October 17th to November 23rd, at Calle Luis Cordero N 1951 y Páez – Quito. And below, you can check out the gallery with the exhibition spaces. [galeria-abril id='26734' type='slider']