News, Professionals

Benedito Abbud and FGMF throw a party on the sidewalk of CASA COR SP 2015

The sidewalk and reception area of CASA COR SP were designed to integrate the decoration exhibition into the city

By Da redação

Updated at Mar 3, 2017, 4:00 PM - Submitted at Jul 7, 2015, 6:23 PM

01 min de leitura


Benedito and Felipe Abbud created a special sidewalk at the Jockey Club in São Paulo for the CASA COR São Paulo 2015 event. It has a draining floor, LED lighting and rest areas. This is the first area of the show. The second is the reception area, with a modular roof that resembles a beehive, designed by architects from the FGMF office. The professionals from these areas got together and threw a party on the street. In this video, they show why they decided to hold this event and how they organized it.