See how to visit Janelas CASACOR, São Paulo edition
Check out the addresses and links to visit, in person and digitally, the 19 projects that reflect post-pandemic architecture in São Paulo
By Ana Carolina Harada
Updated at Nov 18, 2020, 12:09 PM - Submitted at Nov 9, 2020, 2:25 PM
05 min de leitura
(Reprodução / CASACOR)
Access the link with the full map on Google Maps: “When a door closes, a window opens.” This is how the innovative and ambitious Janelas CASACOR project was born, for such an atypical year. This weekend (08), the 19 windows of the São Paulo edition opened to the world. , offering glimpses of tomorrow's architecture and décor in various parts of the city. See how to visit each space below!
Given the new times, visitors can visit the spaces in two ways, both free of charge: in person, at the installation sites, or via 3D Tour , on the website prepared especially for the initiative. On the tour, visitors can interact with the pieces, see their suppliers, authors and even take dimension measurements!
CASACOR Windows Service, São Paulo edition
Various points in the city of São Paulo Visit all the rooms with the 3D Tour on the website From November to December 2020 As? Free