Shades of green and wood permeate the entire space designed by the architect duo Ana Maria Miller and Tainá Tôrres
Updated at Sep 13, 2021, 11:59 AM - Submitted at Sep 14, 2021, 11:00 AM
Ana Maria Miller and Tainá Tôrres - The Sun and Lounge The Sun. (Edgard César/)
Period: August 28th to October 12th, 2021
Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday, from 3pm to 10pm; Saturdays and Sundays, from 12pm to 10pm. The maximum total time spent in the exhibition is 2h30.
Location: Area attached to Flamboyant Shopping. Entrance through the Shopping Garden
Ave. Dept. Jamel Cecílio, 3300 - Jardim Goiás, Goiânia - GO, 74810-907
Telephone : (62) 3224-2023
Tickets and visit schedules:
Full ticket: R$ 70.00
Half price: R$ 35.00
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