
Works of art and biophilia make up the functional bathroom at CASACOR SP

Designed by Eloy and Felipe Fichberg for CASACOR SP 2023, the project is a practical and usual space and seeks to welcome everyone equally

By Redação

Updated at Jul 28, 2023, 5:33 PM - Submitted at Jul 27, 2023, 2:00 PM

08 min de leitura
Felipe Fichberg and Eloy Fichberg - Plurality. CASACOR São Paulo 2023 project. In the photo, bathroom with wooden wall, paintings and black doors.

Felipe Fichberg and Eloy Fichberg - Plurality. CASACOR São Paulo 2023 project. In the photo, bathroom with wooden wall, paintings and black doors.(Marco Antonio/)

Newcomers to CASACOR São Paulo 2023 , Eloy and Felipe Fichberg , from the Trees Arquitetura office, designed a functional bathroom entitled Plurality. The duo designed an environment with the purpose of breaking the stereotypes of practicality and simplicity. Thus, they share a view that the bathroom is much more than a practical and usual space, but that it also seeks to welcome everyone with equality, respect and kindness .
Felipe Fichberg and Eloy Fichberg - Plurality. CASACOR São Paulo 2023 project. In the photo, bathroom with wooden wall, paintings and black doors.
(Marco Antonio / CASACOR)
To provide a welcoming welcome , the 35 m² were meticulously decorated in a rustic-modern style with numerous details in sober tones to emanate a particular energy of comfort, which is also highlighted by the lighting fixtures that seek to enhance the coverings.
Felipe Fichberg and Eloy Fichberg - Plurality. CASACOR São Paulo 2023 project. In the photo, bathroom with wooden wall, paintings and black doors.
(Marco Antonio / CASACOR)
At the heart of the project, another attraction is the bench, formed by a cube of black Via Láctea granite , with sober lines and equal sides of 1.75 m. “Each person will wash their hands on one of the sides of the cube and will be able to simultaneously see three other people thanks to an incredible set of images produced by mirrors coming from the ceiling,” explains Eloy.
Felipe Fichberg and Eloy Fichberg - Plurality. CASACOR São Paulo 2023 project. In the photo, bathroom with wooden wall, paintings and black doors.
(Marco Antonio / CASACOR)
Architect Eloy also emphasizes attention to sustainable criteria , since all the paints and materials specified are not harmful to the environment, as are the coatings that are reusable and produced in an operational manner.
Felipe Fichberg and Eloy Fichberg - Plurality. CASACOR São Paulo 2023 project. In the photo, bathroom with wooden wall, painting and black doors.
(Marco Antonio / CASACOR)
The bathroom has a reserved and accessible cabin for PNE (People with Special Needs), designed with support bars and an ideal size, following technical standards aimed at comfort and safety. It is covered with marble and glass tiles, in shades of green and white, combined with the non-slip porcelain flooring.
Felipe Fichberg and Eloy Fichberg - Plurality. CASACOR São Paulo 2023 project. In the photo, bathroom with wooden wall, paintings and black doors.
(Marco Antonio / CASACOR)
The project has not forgotten about parents with babies in their arms, as there is a very special, discreet and romantic changing table . Covered with light, floral-print wallpaper , it also offers a super-comfortable nursing chair , as well as a padded changing table and a microwave that's always ready to heat bottles and food for babies and children.
Promotional packages: 3 days (17% discount) - R$251 (full price) and R$126.00 (half price) 5 days (30% discount) - R$ 351.00 (full price) and R$ 176.00 (half price) *Personal and non-transferable tickets. Passport (free access on all days of the exhibition): R$601.00 - pre-sale promotional code not applicable in this modality *Personal and non-transferable tickets. Guided Tours: R$161.00 (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 5pm) Purchase of half-price tickets Senior citizens aged 60 and over Students presenting a valid photo ID or proof of payment. Disabled individuals and their companion (according to law 12.933/13). *Pre-sale promotion not valid for half-price tickets *Proof of half-price ticket will be required at the door. Important: Purchasing a passport provides free access to the exhibition Free entry is available for children aged up to 10 years old. 1 (one) CPF can purchase a maximum of 10 tickets. Group sales, questions and information: Purchases of more than 10 tickets or by CNPJ, send an email to: or WhatsApp (11) 97717-5511 General Information:

The CASACOR event complies with current health regulations. All safety and hygiene protocols must be followed by all visitors and staff, without exception.

Easy access to the exhibition via Consolação subway – Line 2, green.

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