Miami Art Basel: Floating steel structure blends into nature
The design duo created a steel structure that serves as a relaxation space for visitors to Miami Art Basel and integrates with nature
By Alex Alcantara
Updated at Dec 5, 2017, 3:46 PM - Submitted at Dec 5, 2017, 3:46 PM
03 min de leitura
(Reprodução designboom/)
01/06 - (Reprodução designboom)
02/06 - (Reprodução designboom)
03/06 - (Reprodução designboom)
04/06 - (Reprodução designboom)
05/06 - (Reprodução designboom)
06/06 - Ronan Bouroullec (Reprodução designboom)
Nuage: this is the name given by the duo of French designers Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec to the 100 m long and five meter high pergola installed as part of the attractions in the Miami Design District, during Miami Art Basel , which takes place between the December 7th and 10th. Inspired by the movements of the sky and the organic growth of ivy, the duo created the permanent sculpture composed of several steel parts that shape and manipulam as sombras e a luz natural que circundam a pérgola , permitindo que a natureza e o meio ambiente se envolva e abrace a estrutura. Isso promoveabrigo, um local para sentar e charme para a passagem de pedestre que circulam pela Miami Art Basel .
Furthermore, the play of light and shadow creates an interesting and curious design on the floor, while the colors on the inside of the steel structures create a dialogue with the tones of the sky, bringing integration and linearity between the material and the natural. You can find Nuage on Paseo Ponti, NE 40th & 41st Streets. [April-see-also]W3siaWQiOjU0NzQxLCJ0aXRsZSI6IlByZXZpZXc6IFNhaWJhIG8gcXVlIHZhaSByb2xhciBkZSBtZWxob3IgbmEgTWlhbWkgQXJ0IEJhc2VsIDIwMTcifSx7ImlkIjo1NDc0MCwid Gl0bGUiOiJEZWxpY2llLXNlIGNvbSBvIE11c2V1bSBvZiBJY2UgQ3JlYW0gbmEgTWlhbWkgQXJ0IEJhc2VsIDIwMTcifSx7ImlkIjo1NDc2NywidGl0bGUiOiJDb25oZSYjeEU3O2EgYXMgZ 2FsZXJpYXMgYnJhc2lsZWlyYXMgcXVlIGVzdHJlaWFtIG5hIE1pYW1pIEFydCBCYXNlbCJ9XQ==[/abril-see-also]