Among the
74 spaces that make up
CASACOR São Paulo in 2023 , 15 of them were designed by professionals who are participating in the show for the first time. The proposals are varied – ranging from cozy lounges to bathrooms and even the show's ticket office. All of this to incorporate the theme, "
Body & Home ", in the best possible way. Check it out!
1. Gabriel Ramires, Jose Carrari Filho and Stephanie Ribeiro
2. Esther Carro
(André Mortatti / CASACOR)
3. ARQTAB (Audrey Carolini and Thamires Mendes) and Maycon Fogliene
4. Anna Yuri and Jefferson Anthero
5. Andressa Danielli and Vanessa Pasqual
6. Bruno Moraes
(Guilherme Pucci / CASACOR)
7. Dani Vit Architecture
(Marco Antonio / CASACOR)
8. Daniel Szego and Fredy Terzian
9. Felipe Fichberg and Eloy Fichberg
(Marco Antonio / CASACOR)
10. Philip of Almeida
11. Isabella Nalon Architecture and Interiors
12. Luciana Bacheschi and Gabriela Pileggi
13. Rafa Zampini
14. Altera Architecture (Renan Altera)
15. Rubia M. Vieira
16. Gleuse Ferreira
17. Alessandra Caiado Cardim and Ricardo Cardim
Promotional packages: 3 days (17% discount) - R$251 (full price) and R$126.00 (half price) 5 days (30% discount) - R$ 351.00 (full price) and R$ 176.00 (half price)
*Personal and non-transferable tickets. Passport (free access on all days of the exhibition): R$601.00 - pre-sale promotional code not applicable in this modality
*Personal and non-transferable tickets. Guided Tours: R$161.00 (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 5pm)
Purchase of half-price tickets Senior citizens aged 60 and over Students presenting a valid photo ID or proof of payment. Disabled individuals and their companion (according to law 12.933/13).
*Pre-sale promotion not valid for half-price tickets *Proof of half-price ticket will be required at the door. Important: Purchasing a passport provides free access to the exhibition Free entry is available for children aged up to 10 years old. 1 (one) CPF can purchase a maximum of 10 tickets.
Group sales, questions and information: Purchases of more than 10 tickets or by CNPJ, send an email to: or
WhatsApp (11) 97717-5511
General Information: The CASACOR event complies with current health regulations. All safety and hygiene protocols must be followed by all visitors and staff, without exception.
Easy access to the exhibition via Consolação subway – Line 2, green.
The use of professional equipment such as tripods, lights and accessories for capturing images/photos/videos is not permitted during the visit.