Located in the 55,000-square-
foot warehouse complex at
Ace Mission Studios in downtown Los Angeles, USA,
Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy is a reimagining of a
nearly 40-year-old concept park filled with
rare works of art spearheaded by American singer
Drake and his creative studio DreamCrew.
With a budget of $100 million, the new Luna Luna will feature
installations, rides and performances ranging from a pavilion called
the Enchanted Tree by painter David Hockney, to a carousel by artist Keith Haring and a Ferris wheel by Jean Michel Basquiat.
Sonia Delaunay, Salvador Dalí, Rebecca Horn, Kenny Scharf and Roy Lichtenstein are just some of the other artists involved in the original project, whose
works have been restored for a 2024 audience.
Luna Luna was an amusement park created in
1987 in
Hamburg , Germany, by Austrian artist André Heller. The project survived for an entire summer as an art museum and amusement park, including
works by 30 of the most famous artists of the time , who contributed to and customized classic theme park rides.
After its heyday, Luna Luna's attractions were dismantled and plans to exhibit them internationally were canceled due to budgetary concerns.