
CASACOR Paraíba announces location and dates for 2023 edition

CASACOR Paraíba is back in 2023 at a new address that will feature a masterplan developed by David Bastos

By Redação

Updated at Mar 9, 2023, 2:15 PM - Submitted at Mar 9, 2023, 1:16 PM

03 min de leitura
CASACOR Paraíba 2016. Burle Marx Garden – Patricia Lago and Heignne Jardim.

CASACOR Paraíba 2016. Burle Marx Garden – Patricia Lago and Heignne Jardim. (Divulgação/)

It's official! In 2023, CASACOR Paraíba will take place between May 18 and June 25 at one of the most valued addresses in the capital. This year, the exhibition will be held at a house at Avenida Ruy Carneiro, 700 , which will house another major project in the future. This is the third time that the capital of Paraíba has hosted the exhibition, which has already been shown at other emblematic locations in the city. CASACOR Paraíba 2016. Jardim do Flamboyant – Aldemar Maciel, Odair Tavares e Rodolfo Cruz. Convivência e interação são palavras-chave no projeto, que tira partido da vegetação existente. Bancos em madeira, peças em corda e um mix de revestimentos cerâmicos criam um cenário aconchegante em tons neutros. O piso original foi substituído por placas que drenam a água. Para finalizar, obras do artista visual Chico Ferreira. David Bastos , one of the greatest names in contemporary Brazilian architecture, is responsible for the masterplan for this year's show. The project presents all the possibilities of environments, enhancing spaces and allowing professionals to develop new experiences of living and good coexistence. This year's edition of CASACOR Paraíba brings new partners such as Audi and Construtora Alliance , in addition to major national brands such as Deca and Coral . Loft 750 - Leo Maia. As experiências que o Loft provocam nos visitantes são muitas. O equilíbrio começa no jardim e no lago da área externa e invade a área interna. (CASACOR Paraíba 2018)
CASACOR Paraíba 2023 When? From May 18th to June 25th Where? Sen. Ruy Carneiro Avenue, 700 More information: https://casacor.abril.com.br/mostras/paraiba/