News, Design, Professionals

CASA COR SP group visits the exhibition “The Design Impasse”

A select group of 15 professionals from CASA COR gather to visit the exhibition “The Impasse of Design” at Lina Bo Bardi’s Glass House

By Cris Bava

Updated at Jul 26, 2018, 12:24 PM - Submitted at Jun 28, 2016, 4:00 PM

01 min de leitura


[galeria-abril id='27587' type='slider'] Open to the public since 2006, the Glass House has become an icon of modern Brazilian architecture and a must-see for architects and architecture lovers in general. Listed by CONDEPHAAT and declared a historical heritage site by IPHAN, the house was the first project built by the Italian-Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi, in 1951.
SERVICE: The Design Impasse: Lina Bo Bardi's Furniture: 1959 - 1992 From Thursday to Sunday, from 10am to 4pm until July 31st 200, Morumbi, Sao Paulo Tel: +55 (11) 3744.9902