A refuge after an exhausting day, home should be
synonymous with comfort and also with
recharging your energy . The living room, as one of the main spaces for socializing and resting, calls for decor that is inviting for a break. At
CASACOR Sergipe 2024, several projects stood out for creating a
perfect atmosphere for rest , especially in the
living rooms . We have separated four projects that exemplify how harmonious decoration is capable of transmitting warmth. Check it out!
Carlos Rezende - Upper Terrace
(Gabriela Daltro / CASACOR)
(Gabriela Daltro / CASACOR)
The vibrant tones accompanied by wooden furniture gave this living room a special charm. Furthermore,
Júnior Ordoñez bet on a mix of old and new elements to bring even more personality to the project.
Marcos Brito - Refuge of Memories
(Gabriela Daltro / CASACOR)
A super stylish
loft that doesn't compromise on comfort. This was
Marcos Brito 's proposal in his project Refúgio de Memórias. He opted for fine coverings, without giving up furniture that embraces and welcomes residents.
Thiago Moura - Old Money
Bright and very refined,
Thiago Moura evokes his ancestry to create a space that connects present and past. With features that recall European architecture, the room still has a contemporary air and a lot of lightness in its composition. [April-see-also]W3siaWQiOjE4NDU5OSwidGl0bGUiOiJBbnUmI3hFMTtyaW8gQ0FTQUNPUiBNYXRvIEdyb3NzbyAyMDI0OiBuYXZlZ3VlIGUgaW5zcGlyZS1zZSEifSx7ImlkIjoxODQxNDEsInRpdGxlIjoi VGVycmEmI3hFNztvIGNvYmVydG8gY29tIHZpc3RhIHBhcmEgc2t5bGluZSBwYXVsaXN0YW5vI CYjeEU5OyBwZXJmZWl0byBwYXJhIHJlY2ViZXIifSx7ImlkIjoxODQyNjEsInRpdGxlI joiQ2 9zdGVsYS1kZS1hZCYjeEUzO286IHR1ZG8gbyBxdWUgdm9jJiN4RUE7IHByZWNpc2Egc2FiZXIgcGFyYSB0ZXIgdW1hIGVtIGNhc2EifV0=[/abril-see-also]