From the balcony of this apartment located in Alto de Pinheiros, São Paulo, you can see the treetops of a nearby park: therefore,
integrating it with the living room to take advantage of the view was a natural decision by the
Très Arquitetura office, which designed the project. The intervention brought
natural light into the living room , in addition to creating more social spaces for the family with two young children.
As the couple wanted a practical home, with optimized areas and a relaxed atmosphere, the
custom carpentry is present throughout the property, bringing comfort and creating
functional solutions . Right at the entrance, for example, a large oak panel creates a volume that camouflages four doors: the toilet, the social hall, the hallway and the kitchen.
Another good idea is the
closet located at the entrance to the apartment: mixing
wood with lacquer, the space serves as a cloakroom, sideboard and even houses a wine cellar.
In addition to plenty of space for entertaining, the living room has a casual feel with a
large striped rug and several loose pieces of furniture - which allows for
different combinations depending on the occasion. Note the arrangement of
different coffee tables , which also house a ceramic plate that the couple received as a wedding gift.
Since the family doesn't prepare many meals at home, the
kitchen was not opened to the public. To make the most of the small area, overhead cabinets are combined with glass shelves and sliding doors. The
geometric cladding in the cooktop area is a highlight.
The couple's
bedroom already had a very large space, so the professionals took advantage of the window wall to take advantage of the natural light and created a
bench there with plenty of space to store documents, papers and serve as a home office.
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