Decoration, Environments

CASACOR MG 2016: living room, suite, pool and much more on TV CASACOR

Check out the details of 8 environments at the Minas Gerais exhibition

By Marianna Rodrigues

Updated at May 18, 2017, 6:31 PM - Submitted at Sep 2, 2016, 8:19 PM

01 min de leitura


[youtube] TV CASA COR was, on August 2nd, in Belo Horizonte and visited some environments of CASA COR Minas Gerais 2016 . Check out the Living Room, Dining Room and Pool of Kivia Costa, Graziela Costa and Érika Steckelberg; the Master Suite by Melina Mundim; the Cellar and Lavabo by Camila Bignoto; the Renault Garage by Estar Coelho, Angélica Araújo and Ana Andrea Barra; and Studio Terra de Minas Globo by Luiz Gustavo Vieira. Like and share!