Culture, Well-being

5 recipe books to help you venture into the kitchen in 2024

We have selected books written by great chefs for those who want to take their first steps in the kitchen or even improve their skills.

By Yeska Coelho

Updated at Jan 16, 2024, 8:53 AM - Submitted at Jan 16, 2024, 3:00 PM

05 min de leitura


Essential for survival, cooking can also be a form of art and of bringing affectionate flavors to loved ones. For those who have not yet mastered culinary techniques, books can be great teachers or even provide inspiration for those who want to innovate and make surprising dishes. Below, check out 5 book tips to guide you on this journey:

1- Simply Beautiful: Recipes and tips for your body and your home

Bela Gil Book
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
The book by renowned chef Bela Gil , head of the vegetarian restaurant Camélia Òdòdó , the book brings together 40 recipes to feed different areas of the reader's life: food, nutrition, health and well-being. In addition to traditional recipes for dishes, the chef also brings homemade items for the home, such as repellents, hair cream and more options.

2- Panelinha recipes that work

Panelinha recipe book
(Divulgação / )
Reprinting the classic by chef Rita Lobo , Editora Senac São Paulo brought in 2023 the book Panelinha with a new look, even more modern and now in hardcover.
Jamie Oliver Cookbooks
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
The book by British chef Jamie Oliver brings together 120 recipes with tasty dishes that are practical, as they can be cooked using a single pan or baking dish . In addition to very quick recipes, the book from Companhia de Mesa is a beautiful edition that can be used to decorate your kitchen.

4- Paris at home: 100 classic recipes from the French capital

Paris at Home Recipe Books
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
French cuisine is one of the most classic among food fans, and this book promises a trip to Paris through 100 recipes for you to reproduce the country's most famous dishes.

5- What's in the fridge?: 30 vegetables in more than 200 recipes to vary your menu

Recipe Books - Rita Lobo
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
A good choice for those who want to vary their menu during the week and add a greater variety of vegetables. Rita Lobo , chef and author of the book, brings accurate tips with recipes and also techniques for using food, which is often forgotten in the refrigerator. [april-see-also]W3siaWQiOjE2MTI5MSwidGl0bGUiOiI4IGV4cG9zaSYjeEU3OyYjeEY1O2VzIGVtIFMmI3hFMztvIFBhdWxvIHBhcmEgdmlzaXRhciBlbSBqYW5laXJvISJ9LHsiaWQiOjE2MTIxOSwidGl0 b GUiOiJQaXNjaW5hcyBiaW9sJiN4RjM7Z2ljYXM6IG8gcXVlIHMmI3hFMztvIGUgY29tbyBlbG FzIGFsaWFtIGJlbGV6YSBlIHN1c3RlbnRhYmlsaWRhZGUifSx7ImlkIjoxNjEzODMsInRpdGxlI joiNSB0ZW5kJiN4RUE7bmNpYXMgZGUgZGVjb3JhJiN4RTc7JiN4RTM7byBwYXJhIDIwMjQgc2VndW5kbyBvIFBpbnRlcmVzdCBQcmVkaWN0cyJ9XQ==[/abril-see-also]